Welcome to Anne's BOOK CORNER
Sit back, put up your feet and stay awhile! Enjoy the intriguing mysteries Anne Barton has so cleverly written from her days as a veterinarian to her airborne days. Enjoy the travels and keen insights of all aspects of our entangled life of religion, well-being and spiritual thirst for truth, knowledge and understanding.
If you have any questions on where to purchase or directly contact Anne for any reason. Send her an email and meet this fascinating author, veterinarian and pilot. Anne is always ready to make you smile with her fountain of humorous stories.
List of BOOKS

The Simple Life Is Murder
Fourteen-year-old Derek Taylor discovers that the 'simple life' isn't so simple after all when his family settles in a mountain valley, far from civilization. I fact, it's very hard work, even for him and his little sister.

The Evil That We Do
First novel in the Robin Carruthers series. Was a bestseller when first published in paperback.

The Third Day
Fraud, romance, business problems and murder make life hectic for Robin Carruthers, church member and flight instructor.

Evil In Their Hearts
A group suspected of criminal activities has established a colony on the outskirts of town. Robin Carruthers, flight school operator, and Rev. Douglas Forsythe, the rector of the Anglican church, become embroiled in a controversy when a bus used by the colony to transport children crashes into a frozen lake.

The Devil Laughs
The congregation of St. Matthew's Anglican Church is rocked by the actions of a small group who want to get rid of the Rector, The Reverend Douglas Forsythe.

Till Hell Freezes Over
There is one set of tracks leading to and from the snowbound cabin of Eugene Pettijohn, dead of a gunshot wound.These tracks were made by Herb Shultz, the unpopular deadbeat neighbour who discovered the body.

A Switch In Time
Dr. Erica Merrill, a young vet trying to establish her veterinary practice in her hometown, a small Northern Idaho county seat, gets involved in a murder investigation when a drug she has dispensed for a family dog is used to poison a wealthy widow.

Cat And Mouse
A woman is shot dead while looking for her dog in a woodlot below her house. But local vet, Dr. Erica Merrill, who heard the shot, and her boyfriend Clay Caldwell, a deputy sheriff, don't think the killing was an accident, but that the wrong person was accidentally shot.

Cui Bono?
A mentally challenged young man is found guilty of hitting another man over the head with a mallet. The judge is upset by the poor defense give to the accused and is angry with the jury for giving their verdict without discussing the evidence.

Living With Death
When an attractive young woman is found dead at a bus stop on a cold, rainy November morning, detectives Rankin and Kalinski must find the person who hated her enough to kill her in such a brutal way.

Here Be Dragons
When a bloodstained knife is found in the Dragon Fountain on the grounds of Drayford Agricultural College, located on the Alberta prairies, it leads to the discovery of a professor who has been murdered in his home.